We welcome coverage of the ISIS Prisons Museum. Please contact us at press [@] prisonsmuseum.org
This section offers press releases, photo and video material and press clippings. For a short history of the IPM see Our Story. For the data behind the IPM see IPM in Numbers.
28.10.2024 | Three Walls. Spatial Narratives of Mosul premiers at UNESCO headquarters |
28.10.2024 | Press Kit for “Three Walls. Spatial Narratives of Mosul” |
The ISIS Prisons Museum in the news (selected coverage):
02.12.2024 | France 24 / Arabe
متحف سجون داعش : مشروع رقمي يوثق الفظائع التي ارتكبتها داعش في معتقلاتها |
13.11.2024 | Il Mundo |
13.11.2024 | L’Express
Un musée virtuel sur les horreurs de l’Etat islamique en Irak et Syrie |
01.11.2024 | The National |
17.10.2024 | BBC Media Show
ISIS Prisons Museum. The journalists documenting the atrocities of the so-called Islamic State |